Three Type 1 Diabetic Lacrosse Players Who Refuse to be Held Back

Three Type 1 Diabetic Lacrosse Players Who Refuse to be Held Back

At Wears Woody, we believe in empowering individuals who are living with type 1 diabetes. We are constantly inspired by the stories of young athletes who refuse to let this disease stop them from achieving their goals and aspirations. We interview and share some incredible athletes’ stories as part of our Wears Woody Athlete Program. We had the pleasure of meeting three of them at the Club Lacrosse National Tournament held at the Austin-Tindall Sports Complex in Kissimmee, Florida. Let’s meet them:

Conner AndrewsConnor Andrews

Conner Andrews is a player for True Carolina out of Raleigh, North Carolina. He plays offensive middy and had 3 assists in the tournament. This was his first tournament as a regional team, so he knew the team would face a lot of adversity, but he thought it was a good thing to see tougher competition and get pushed. Conner has had type 1 diabetes for 9 years, got diagnosed when he was 5, and uses a Dexcom pump that automates most things. The Dexcom pump regulates, and he can feel when he is too high or too low. He said type 1 diabetes “doesn’t hold me back from doing anything, can’t slow me down.” His favorite athletes are Tyreek Hill and Jaylen Waddle from his favorite team, the Miami Dolphins, and his favorite food is tacos.

Zachary Strohmeier

Zachary Strohmeier plays for Premier National Alliance out of Delaware as a middy. It was his first time playing as a national team, and he said, “We played pretty good for our standards.” He finished in the middle of the pack, having 3 wins and 2 losses, and 8 goals. He says he has no issues managing his type 1 diabetes and manages it very well, but he has to watch his numbers carefully. He uses a t:slim pump and spends a lot of time managing his numbers as he tries to go into games with a higher number, knowing it will drop. He tries to get to a number that won’t have him feel out of it, and if he starts to feel like his numbers are off, he gets off the field, pricks himself, drinks a Gatorade and can rest, and sometimes comes back into the game as an attack. His favorite athlete is Ryder Garnsey, and he is a big Notre Dame fan. Chicken and pizza are his favorite foods, and basketball is his favorite activity outside of lacrosse.

Jack Holbrough

Jack Holbrough is from Rochester, New York, and plays defense for Sweetlax Upstate 25 and Upstate Navy. He only lost 1 game the whole tournament and said, “He hit a lot of kids this weekend.” Jack is a sophomore looking to play Division 1 lacrosse in college. He got type 1 diabetes on his 14th birthday and said he had to make adjustments to living with type 1 diabetes but hasn’t changed anything he does on a day-to-day basis. Jack uses a Dexcom pump and prepares for games by eating protein and low carbs beforehand. He keeps Gatorade nearby in case his numbers drop. His favorite athlete is Tom Brady, and his favorite place to travel is the Bahamas. His favorite place to play lacrosse is Delaware Turf, and his favorite food is cheesecake. His favorite activity outside of lacrosse is football and fishing.

These three athletes refuse to let their type 1 diabetes slow them down. Despite the challenges of managing their blood sugar levels, they use different systems and methods to maintain them and continue to pursue their goals and aspirations. As we continue to follow their journeys, we can learn from their determination and perseverance in the face of adversity. They live boldly and show that nothing is impossible with the right attitude and management. Wears Woody is proud to be a part of their journey and inspire others to do the same. If you have type 1, seek us out this summer at events or apply to be a part of the Wears Woody Athlete Program so we can keep sharing unique stories along with following these three athletes to see the great things they accomplish.

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